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Safe Medication Intake: What You Should Do

Safe Medication Intake: What You Should Do

Taking over the counter (OTC) medicine is what most people do when they suffer from minor conditions. OTC drugs are generally potent enough to treat most minor ailments.

However, a prescription may be necessary when a severe condition is involved. Medicines, whether they are OTC drugs or prescriptions, should be taken with absolute awareness to keep you safe.

Here are tips for a safe medication intake:

  • Ask a healthcare professional about the proper way to take the meds.

    Your doctor will most likely do so. They will explain what your meds are for and how to take them.

    You can also ask for clarifications, if you need to, from a pharmacist. Stop by our pharmacies in Fremont or Cupertino, California, our expert pharmacists will provide you all the information you need as part of our pharmaceutical care services.

  • Follow the intake instructions on the label.

    While you may have taken note of your doctor’s instructions, be sure also to check the instructions found on the label of the medicine. Follow them completely.

  • Only buy your prescriptions from a reputable pharmacy.

    A licensed, reputable, and experienced establishment such as our pharmacies in Fremont and Cupertino, California will offer you the excellent pharmacy services you need. We ensure you are getting you are getting and taking safe and FDA-approved medicines.

Visit JADE Pharmacy Inc. for your prescriptions and other pharmacy needs!

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